Dumpster To You
Nevada Recycling and Salvage
Green Solutions Recycling

Web Design and Graphic Design
Project Overview
Nevada Recycling and Salvage needed new websites for them and for their two sister companies, Dumpster to you and Green Solutions Recycling. They wanted the three websites to look similar like part of one brand. They also wanted a brand new logo for Dumpster to you, but the brand colors for Dumpster to you were quite different than the other two comoanies.
My Contributions
This project was part of a larger contract between NRS and USA Rehab Centers' marketing department. I designed Dumpster to you logo using Vector Graphics, traced the other two logos and designed the three websites.

Originally I made a cartoon style of truck similar to the examples of logos they sent.
You can visit these websites at:

Nevada Recycling and Salvage

They didn't like the cartoonish style and requested a more realistic look for their truck. So I decided to draw them a truck using vector graphic shapes, curves, and 3D effects. I started with the tires.

I used a photo of a real tire as a guide
Here is a detail of one of the curves of the tire

The websites

Each website features the offering of the three companies with an emphasis on its own services. Each website has a "My Account" button to sign in to its system, enabling the clients to pay their bills through the website.

Other graphic arts works

In addition to the websites, I did other graphic arts works for print media for this company.

Sticker for the trucks

Business cards

Mailers with Lorem Ipsum temporary text
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